'How to draw Hair | Hair color Rendering | Fashionillustration'

07:02 Aug 16, 2021
'Hi everyone   In this video will focus on how can we render hair in fashion Illustrations using different colors.  More videos coming up  don\'t forget to subscribe   ************Visit my channel*************  https://youtu.be/ikZKapvwZP4  *************Folds Rendering************   https://youtu.be/aCRQfRB4A2o  *************fashion figure **************  https://youtu.be/CBXaNhL936g  ************* face coloring **************  https://youtu.be/bDEcBXSIJR4  ************ Croquis coloring ************  https://youtu.be/ycMXJKAJeo8  ************** follow me ***************  https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwKi5IMMNnC4f7y1A9ANHDaBBytjhwIHCs8bg0/?igshid=bwdjify00ks0' 
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